August 13, 2023
Waiuku Forest

8K Trail Run

The information on this page is not yet confirmed, and may be based on the previous years' edition.

A bit longer than our usual short distance, but worth it for the breathtaking views over the Tasman Sea, Port Waikato and the mouth of the mighty Waikato River.


This courses below are not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
8K Trail Run
Click through to see the run course map, description and download the GPX file.

A quick start on this course as you peel along Elders Road. With a right hand veer into the first playful forest trail. Bursting out on the beach you will head north-east on the sand for a little, while sucking in that crisp winter air. Back into the forest, winding your way north-west through the woods and metal roads towards the Aid Station. Not far past the aid station you’ll pass through the infamous Waiuku mud puddle for a splash. On your way back through, gulp down some R-Line Electrolyte Drink and dash back down the metal road, through the final trail section and into the finish. The chips will be hot and the beer cold so sit back and enjoy your accomplishment.

Drink Stations:

Video Preview:
8K Trail Run


This schedule is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Sun 2023.08.13


This information is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.


The fees below have not yet been confirmed, and are subject to change.


Description Fee
Adult NZ$66
Under 18 NZ$30
Senior 65+ NZ$53

Why is it more expensive to enter On The Day of the event?

It makes it challenging for us logistically when participant numbers are unknown, which is the reason many events don’t allow any late entries on the day. It costs us more to process manual entries, both in house and for our timing team, and we incur additional costs for having to allow “extras” of items such as race bibs + timing chips, catering etc for those additional unknown numbers.
We understand not everyone wants to commit their time too far in advance, so registrations are open online until 10am on the Friday before each event. This should give you plenty of time to sign up online once you’ve decided what to do with your weekend!


The information below may be from a previous edition of the event, and is subject to change.


We recommend running with a Hydration back pack loaded with 500ml - 1 litre of liquid, and other nutritional nibbles. You can expect to be away from base for a decent period of time at these events, and we can't always get aid stations to the points where you may expect them to be. While event medics will be at each event (they will be stationed at the event base, start / finish point) and participants may encounter on course marshals with first aid on them, it also pays to be safety conscious and carry items like:

  • a basic first aid kit

  • a cell phone

  • a whistle

  • additional warm clothing

Should you come across an injured participant, stop and apply first aid if you are trained. Send the next participant through to the next marshal or course crew location (or back if you had recently past one) and notify them of the participants; race number, name, location and description of incident.

Drink Stations:

3km (with R-Line electrolyte drink & water)

5km (with R-Line electrolyte drink & water)

6.5km (with water, R-Line electrolyte drink, chips, pretzels & lollies)

*Please remember your own cup/bottle/hydration pack as there will be no disposable cups provided at drink stations

Toughness Factor: 5/10

GPX File: Click here to download the Short Course GPX file

Participant Briefing: Click here to view

If you happen to become lost or disoriented on course, stop and remain calm before retracing your steps to the last know course marking. If you still cannot find the course marking, stop and put on your additional warm clothing and blow your whistle.

It's all about personal responsibility!


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