July 2, 2023

Garmin Epic Trail 24K by XTERRA

The information on this page is not yet confirmed, and may be based on the previous years' edition.


This courses below are not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Run: 24K 1,900m+
Click through to see the run course map and read the course description.

Starts in Barruera and climbs towards the village of Erill la Vall, with the first kilometer of the course running along a narrow trail that forces runners to fall into place before leading to a fast trail to Erill. With its extremely slight grade this section of the race can be run very quickly.

These first kilometers share the course with the Ultra race, but the half marathon continues along the Camí de l’Aigua along a shady path to the intersection with the Montanyeta valley, where the trail begins a fairly straight 500-meter climb with uneven terrain through the forest. At the end of this climb runners will find themselves at the top of valley and will enter high-mountain terrain at 2,000 meters above sea level, running along the Comaminyana valley to the peak of the same name, at 2,525 meters the highest point of the race with spectacular views of the Barrabés, Boí and Sant Nicolau valleys, and famous mountains like Bessiberris, which it feels like you can touch, Punta Alta and Aneto; and, of course, the summit of Roies de Cardet, site of the popular “Vertical Kilometer” race.

The course continues from the top of Comaminyana along an open ridge that boasts the same outstanding views, descending to Port de la Gelada (once again along the same course as the Ultra).

The trail then continues downhill through high-mountain meadows and an open valley, passing by the Sant Salvador hermitage, and ends back in Barruera, where you pass through the village to reach the finish line.

Only two sections of the course are on asphalt: through the village of Erill and at the entrance to Barruera. The rest of the race is ALL run on trails and high-mountain areas, at times without any trails or paths.

Video Preview:
Run: 24K 1,900m+


This schedule is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Fri 2023.06.30
Sat 2023.07.01
Sun 2023.07.02


This information is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.

Trail Run World Championship Slots Men & Women
































Trail Run World Championship Slots Men & Women































Slots indicated apply equally to male and female divisions. See the complete rules here.










The fees below have not yet been confirmed, and are subject to change.


Description Fee
Before March 29th 41 €
From March 29th until May 28th 46 €
After May 28th 50 €

Entry incudes:

  • Bib and chip of single use

  • Medical service

  • T-shirt

  • Refreshments during the race

  • Finisher gift for the participants who finish the race

By registering, each runner makes the following undertaking:

  • I declare that I have read and understood the Epic Trail Vall de Boí regulations.

  • I understand and accept the conditions of participation as laid down in the regulations.

  • I undertake to comply with all stipulations of said regulations.

  • I declare that I am aware of all medical contraindications that may be caused by participation in the race and I discharge the organizers of liability for any problem that may arise during the race and is not considered negligence on my part.


The information below may be from a previous edition of the event, and is subject to change.

Minimum required age: 18 on the day of the race. Tutorial authorization will be accepted for people who turn 18 before December 31st.

Compulsory gear

  • Mountain running shoes and socks

  • Thermal or survival blanket (min. 1,4 x 2m)

  • Hydratation pack (min. 1 l)

  • Backpack or equivalent

  • Waterproof jacket with hood, made from Gore-Tex or similar

  • Food supplies: gels, bars, fruits...

  • Cap, neck gaiter or similar garment that covers the entire head

  • Mobile phone that is switched on with a fully charged battery

  • Re-usable cup for refreshments

  • (according to weather) Thermal base layer (min. 180g)

  • (according to weather) Leggings or trousers



The GARMIN Epic Trail is a trail running sporting event that has several distance races: 12kms / 24kms / 42kms / 62kms.


The organizing committee for the event is made up of the Vall de Boí Town Council and Ocisport.


The National Park of Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici is located in one of the most privileged areas of the Pyrenees mountain range. Its surface area of more than 40,000 hectares is divided between four counties that have a rich natural and cultural heritage: Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Sobirà, Pallars Jussà and Val d’Aran. The Park is included in the Spanish National Parks Network and is the only one of its kind in Catalonia.
Its valleys, surrounded by peaks more than 3,000 m high, treasure a magnificent representation of all the elements that characterize the high Pyrenees, both in its geological formations and in its flora and fauna. Water is perhaps the most characteristic element of the Park, whether in the form of snow, rivers, waterfalls or being part of the more than 200 lakes that are spread over its geography and that give this natural space of special protection a character unique and unrepeatable.

The Park receives more than half a million visitors each year: one of its main objectives is to make people’s access compatible with the complete conservation of all its natural values. This goal is impossible to achieve without the effective involvement of all its visitors. For this reason, we ask for your cooperation and respect for the established protection regulations.

For this reason, remember that: For more information on the good environmental practices they must respect during the warm-up and the competition, visit the Good Practices Manual (FEDME)
LINK: https://www.gencat.cat/mediamb/publicacions/monografies/codi_bones_practiques.pdf


The GARMIN Epic Trail is based on core ethics and values shared by runners, sponsors, volunteers and organizers. And this commitment is certified with the Biosphere seal.

LINK: https://www.biospheresustainable.com/en/community/ocisport/2594

4.1 Eco-responsability
Do not leave rubbish in nature, use the available containers, respect the flora and fauna, and strictly follow the marked route without using shortcuts. The organization will use, whenever possible, reusable or recyclable material and will proceed to selective collection (batteries, paper, plastic, etc.). The marking of the route, carried out on foot, will be collected on the same day. The course will be cleaned immediately after the last runner. Communication on paper will be reduced to a minimum, prioritizing electronic support.
4.2 Solidarity
Respect for runners, volunteers, sponsors and the public are paramount elements of the GARMIN Epic Trail.
4.3 Anti-doping controls
4.3.1. Anti-doping controls may be carried out in any of the races according to the rules of each nation, the AMA protocol and in accordance with the corresponding national federation.
4.3.2. Competitors are required to attend assigned anti-doping controls in accordance with each nation’s rules and WADA protocol.

5.1. Minimum age:
5.1.1. Each distance has a minimum age to participate:
5.1.2. For the 12km distance, it will be a requirement to be 15 years old by December 31 of the year of the race.
5.1.3. For the 24km, 42k and 62km distance, the minimum age will be 18 years on the day of the race.
5.2. Registration: Having completed the registration correctly. The fact of registering shows the participant’s compliance with these regulations.

5.3. Material: Each runner must bring the mandatory material requested by the organization plus what they think is appropriate to withstand the conditions of the mountain and the crossing depending on their conditions, the weather and the route.
62/42 kms MATERIAL A (required)
• Trail-type sports shoes that completely cover the foot.
• Thermal or survival blanket (minimum size 2 x 1.2 m).
• Hydration system (at least 1 l).
• Backpack or equivalent item.
• Mobile phone on and not in airplane mode.
• Windproof jacket with hood made of waterproof fabric (at least 10,000 mm water column) and breathable, Gore-Tex®, Membrain®, H2NO®, HyVent® or similar, with heat-sealed seams and size running Man.
• Reservation of caloric food suitable for the route and the number and type of refreshments for the test.
• Second thermal layer of at least 180 g, the size of the runner.
• Long tights or pirate tights combined with camal.
• Cap, tubular or similar piece.
MATERIAL B (according to weather forecast)
• Waterproof trousers.
• Thermal shirt.
• Gloves.

24 KMS MATERIAL A (required)
• Trail-type sports shoes that completely cover the foot.
• Thermal or survival blanket (minimum size 2 x 1.2 m).
• Hydration system (at least 1 l).
• Backpack or equivalent item.
• Mobile phone on and not in airplane mode.
• Windproof jacket with hood made of waterproof fabric (at least 10,000 mm water column) and breathable, Gore-Tex®, Membrain®, H2NO®, HyVent® or similar, with heat-sealed seams and size running Man.
• Reservation of caloric food suitable for the route and the number and type of refreshments for the test.
• Cap, tubular or similar piece.
MATERIAL B (according to weather forecast)
• Second thermal layer of at least 180 g, the size of the runner.
• Long tights or pirate tights combined with camal.

12 KMS MATERIAL A (required)
• Trail-type sports shoes that completely cover the foot.
• Hydration system that can be filled with refreshments (there are no glasses at the 2 race refreshments).
• Mobile phone on and not in airplane mode.

MATERIAL B (according to weather forecast)
• Windproof jacket with hood made of waterproof fabric (at least 10,000 mm water column) and breathable, Gore-Tex®, Membrain®, H2NO®, HyVent® or similar, with heat-sealed seams and size running Man.
5.4. Insurance:
5.4.1 The organization will have third-party liability insurance in force according to current regulations.
5.4.2 Participants must have a minimum accident insurance that covers the activity (FEEC Licence – Mode C). Participants who do not have a federal license of this type must obtain it at the time of registration.
5.5 Categories
Male and female categories will be defined:
24K, 42K i 62K:
• Absolute
• Junior (18, 19 and 20 years old on December 31, 2023)
• Veterans (from 40 to 49 years old as of December 31, 2023)
• Master 50 (from 50 to 59 years old as of December 31, 2023)
• Master 60 (from 60 years to December 31, 2023)
• Absolute
• Cadet (15 and 16 years old by December 31, 2023)
• Youth (17 and 18 years old by December 31, 2023)
• Veterans (from 40 to 49 years old as of December 31, 2023)
• Master 50 (from 50 to 59 years old as of December 31, 2023)
• Master 60 (from 60 years to December 31, 2023)
5.6 Money-back guarantee
The organization offers a Money Back Guarantee according to which 100% of the registration fee will be refunded to all those runners who have contracted this service at the time of registration, by notification up to 7 days before the race.

6.1 Cancellation conditions: Any cancellation of registration must be made by e-mail to: info@ticketoci.net. Cancellations by telephone will not be accepted. The payment of the registration refund will be made by credit to the card used at the time of registration, under the following conditions.

Date of application Percentage of reimbursement
Up to 30 days before 80%
From 29 to 15 days 50%
From 14 to 8 days 25%
Less than 8 days 0%

7.1 Participants and organizers are subject to compliance with Royal Decree 1428/2003 of November 21, 2003, which regulates the General Traffic Regulations, and more specifically Article 14 of Annex 2.

7.2 Participants accept the rules and exempt the organizers from any liability in case of accident or material or bodily damage suffered during the competition, before or after it.

7.3 Participants compete at all times under their own free will. They are informed that participation in this sporting event involves a risk of injury to participants, from minor injuries to death.

Any type of damage suffered during the race, for example and without excluding other reasons, those caused by falls (whatever the reason), run over, health problems arising from sport,

illnesses, fainting, injuries (regardless of their seriousness) caused by fauna or flora, etc., or damage to equipment including loss, destruction, breakage, theft or loss due to sporting accidents or due to the dynamics of the activity itself.

7.4 It will be the obligation of the participants to progress safely at all times, they feel responsible for their actions and at the same time responsible for assuming the risk of the activity and the environment. This type of competition, taking place in the natural environment, in places of difficult control and access, implies an additional risk for the participants. By virtue of this, the participants attend at their own will and initiative, feeling aware and assuming the risks and consequences inherent to the participation in this event.

8.1 The organization will place, at certain points of the route and at the checkpoints, specialized personnel in charge of ensuring the safety of the participants. It is mandatory to follow the instructions of this staff who will be suitably identified.
8.2 Medical staff and ambulances will be available at strategic points along the route to intervene in case of need. These medical assistance locations will be indicated on the official race map.
8.3 There will be a broom team in charge of closing the race and collecting all its marks, after its passage. So if a participant has been overtaken by the sweep team, he will not find marks.
8.4 In case of adverse weather conditions or causes of force majeure, the organization reserves the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time slots and/or the route and refreshments. In this case, the registration fee will not be refunded.


9.1 The Race Directors and competition referees may remove a runner from the competition when they consider that his physical or technical abilities have decreased due to fatigue, he does not have the required equipment, or his conditions are not appropriate to continue running.

9.2 The competition jury may suspend, shorten, neutralize or stop the race, for reasons of safety or force majeure beyond its control (weather, external causes, etc.).

9.3 The Commissioners of the CPs are responsible for the Mandatory Passage Control Points. Participants may not complain or question the commissioners about the regulations, classifications and itineraries.

9.4 The organization reserves the right to modify the rules of the Garmin Epic Trail or to suspend them in the event of force majeure.


10.1 All Pass Controls are mandatory. Participants are responsible for recording their passage through each of them and by finish line. The loss of the chip or its deterioration implies the corresponding penalty. There will be staff from the organization at the checkpoints.

10.2 All mandatory checkpoints will be marked on the map, but there may be other surprise checkpoints during the route so that all participants follow the marked itinerary and the regulations are respected. All Pass Controls have the same mandatory validity, so not going through one of them implies the corresponding penalty.

10.3 The route between controls must be made following the marked markings and in the established direction. For reasons of safety, sportsmanship and the environment, you cannot leave the marked route.


11.1 Before departure, a control will be carried out to be able to access the closed departure area:
• Number verification.
• All or part of the mandatory material may be verified by the referees.
• Participants who do not provide the mandatory material, or who present it as unusable or defective, will be subject to the corresponding penalty.

11.2 After crossing the finish line, a control will be carried out to leave the closed finish area:
• All or part of the mandatory material may be verified by the arbitrators.


12.1 It is necessary to present an identity document with a photo in order to collect the number. Under no circumstances can the number be exchanged with a third person. In no case will the bib number or the gifts be sent to the runner’s address if he has not participated in the race.

12.2 Participants must wear the bib provided by the organization at all times. The bib must be placed on the front and must always be visible, it cannot be cut, folded, covered or modified.

All participants who finish the distance for which they registered for the GARMIN Epic Trail within the established time will be considered Finishers and will be given a gift corresponding to their distance.


By registering, every participant waives the use of their image rights and authorizes the organization and its sponsors to freely use and publish any photograph or video recorded in the context of the race.


15.1 It is mandatory to pass correctly through all the control points provided for this purpose, starting and finishing included.

15.2 If the test should be interrupted and suspended at a point on the route, the classification will be determined according to the order and time of arrival at the point of interruption or, if not, at the last control carried out.

16.1 There are different types of refreshments distributed along the route:
• Liquids
• Solid / light (drinks, sweet foods, salty foods)
• Solids (drinks, sweet foods, salty foods, pasta…)
16.2 Reusable cup. There will be no single-use plastic cups at the race. Each runner must bring a container to be able to drink at refreshments.

In case of adverse weather conditions or causes of force majeure, the organization reserves the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time slots and / or the route and refreshments. In this case, the registration fee will not be refunded

18.1 Personal assistance is allowed exclusively at the refreshment points established by the organization. Except in these specific areas, it is forbidden to have the assistance, company or external refreshments of a person not registered in the race.
18.2 Life bag: in the distance that the life bag is enabled, this will be given at bib collection and sports equipment can be placed. The organization will only transport this bag and not others, and it must be well marked with the runner’s number as well as be well closed with no protruding material.

19.1 Volunteers: Except in case of injury, it is only possible to leave at a control point. If this point is not accessible by vehicle, the runner will have to access the nearest evacuation point by his own means. It is forbidden to leave the marked route without having informed the organization and without being duly authorized. It is mandatory to file if it is a timing control point.
19.2 Mandatory: The organization may momentarily stop a runner or force him to leave the race if he considers that his condition endangers his physical integrity or his safety.

20.1 A penalty of three minutes up to disqualification may be applied:
• Throw rubbish outside the control areas (100m +/-);
• Receive any type of assistance in unauthorized areas (not at specified points such as aid stations);
• Not following the route signage, voluntarily or not;
• The number is not visible or has been tampered with;
• Forge the output;
• Not going through the mandatory checkpoints;
• Unsportsmanlike conduct: not assisting another competitor who needs help;
• Not carrying or using the required material;
• Not respecting the instructions of the organizers or the judges.

20.2 Disqualification will be applied for:
• Not participating in the awarding of prizes without just cause;
• Refuse to submit to anti-doping tests or give a positive result in an anti-doping test

21.1 They must be written and ratified with the name and bib number of the claimant at the finish line or at the publication of the provisional results. A deposit of up to 20 euros may be required which will be refunded if the case is accepted.
Claims can be made up to one hour after the provisional results are published.

21.1 This regulation is generic to the GARMIN EPIC TRAIL event and affects all races that take place.
21.2 Each race may have its own specific regulations where more technical aspects of the regulations are specifically defined and are an extension of these regulations in relation to cut-off times, maximum race time, mandatory equipment and categories.


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